Navigating Vector Operations in Azure SQL for Better Data Insights: A Guide How to Use Generative AI to Prompt Queries in Datasets

The evolving landscape of data analytics has brought vector databases to the forefront, especially with their application in finding similarities in diverse data types such as articles, photos, and products. Azure SQL, combined with the prowess of OpenAI, offers a powerful platform for executing vector operations, simplifying the task of finding similar items and enhancing recommendation systems in applications.

What is Vector Similarity, and How do you calculate cosine similarity?

Vector similarity revolves around transforming data into numerical vectors or embeddings. These embeddings are numerical representations of various concepts converted into sequences of numbers, making it easier for computers to grasp their relationships. This method is particularly effective in comparing and finding similarities between data points, a crucial feature in applications like search engines and clustering algorithms.

Cosine similarity, a commonly used metric in vector similarity, measures the cosine of the angle between two vectors. This metric is crucial in determining the degree of similarity between the vectors, irrespective of their size. In Azure SQL, cosine similarity can be computed with a simple SQL formula involving SUM and SQRT functions applied to the vector elements, thus providing a straightforward yet powerful way to measure vector similarity.

Cosine similarity can be calculated in SQL using the following formula, given two vectors, a and b:

    SUM(a.value * b.value) / (  
        SQRT(SUM(a.value * a.value)) * SQRT(SUM(b.value * b.value))   
    ) AS cosine_similarity

How to Querying Azure OpenAI?

Azure SQL’s integration with Azure OpenAI simplifies generating and working with embeddings. Users can obtain the vector representation of any given text by creating an Azure OpenAI resource and deploying a model like text-embedding-ada-002. This integration enables the execution of REST API calls from within the Azure SQL Database, making fetching and working with embeddings more streamlined and accessible.

-- Declare a variable to hold the response from the external REST API
declare @response nvarchar(max);

-- Declare and initialize a variable with JSON payload. 
-- The JSON object contains an 'input' key with a text value.
declare @payload nvarchar(max) = json_object('input': 'This is how to futureproof your career in an AI world');

-- Execute a stored procedure to invoke an external REST endpoint
exec sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint
    @url = 'https://<your-app-name>', -- The URL of the REST endpoint
    @credential = [https://<your-app-name>], -- Credential for accessing the REST API
    @payload = @payload, -- The JSON payload defined earlier
    @response = @response output; -- Output parameter to store the response from the API

Advantages of Implementing Vectors in Azure SQL Database

1. Ease of Access with Azure OpenAI: Azure SQL combined with Azure OpenAI offers easy access to REST services for generating embeddings using pre-trained machine learning models. This accessibility facilitates the calculation of embeddings, which is otherwise a complex task.

2. Efficient Storage with Columnstore Indexes: Azure SQL databases efficiently store vectors using column store indexes. This method is particularly beneficial since Azure SQL doesn’t have a specific vector data type. Vectors, essentially lists of numbers, can be conveniently stored in a table with one row per vector element.

3. Fast Distance Calculation: The internal optimization of column store indexes in Azure SQL, employing SIMD and AVX-512 instructions, allows for high-speed calculation of distances between vectors, which is crucial for determining similarity.

4. Integration with Azure AI Search: Azure SQL’s integration with Azure AI Search streamlines the entire process of chunking, generating, storing, and querying vectors for vector search, significantly speeding up the development of the vectorization pipeline and minimizing maintenance tasks.

5. Capability for Complex Operations: Azure SQL enables complex operations like indexing, storing, and retrieving vector embeddings from a search index, which is essential for identifying the most similar documents in a vector space.

6. Versatile Data Handling: Azure SQL’s ability to handle structured and unstructured data, along with vector data, provides more versatility compared to vector databases, which are primarily optimized for vector data storage and retrieval.

7. Ease of Querying and Relevance Determination: The integration with Azure OpenAI allows easy querying of the REST service to obtain vector representations of text, which can then be used to calculate similarity against stored vectors, identifying the most relevant data.

8. Simplified Deployment and Management: Deploying and managing an embedding model via the Azure portal is straightforward, reducing the complexity of managing vector databases.

9. Suitability for a Range of Applications: While vector databases are specialized for high-dimensional similarity searches, Azure SQL’s broader application scope makes it suitable for various types of data and applications, from financial records to customer data.

10. Support for Advanced Azure Features: Azure SQL supports advanced Azure features, such as AI and machine learning capabilities, which can be seamlessly integrated with vector similarity operations for enhanced analytics and insights.

These advantages highlight the flexibility, efficiency, and ease of use of Azure SQL databases for vector similarity operations, making them a preferable choice in scenarios where diverse data types and complex operations are involved, alongside the need for seamless integration with other Azure services.

Implementing Vectors in Azure SQL Database

Azure SQL Database provides a seamless way to store and manage vector data despite not having a specific vector data type. Column-store indexes, vectors, and essentially lists of numbers can be efficiently stored in a table. Each vector can be represented in a row with individual elements as columns or serialized arrays. This approach ensures efficient storage and retrieval, making Azure SQL suitable for large-scale vector data management.

I used the Global News Dataset from Kaggle in my experiment.

First, you must create the columns to save the vector information. In my case, I created two columns: title_vector For the news title and content_vector the news content. For this, create a small Python code, but you can also do that directly from SQL using a cursor. It's important to know that you don't need to pay for any Vector Databases by saving the vector information inside the Azure SQL.

import openai
import pyodbc  # or another SQL connection library

# Set up OpenAI credentials
openai.api_type = "azure"
openai.api_key = "<YOUR AZURE OPEN AI KEY>"
openai.api_base = "https://<your-app-name>"
openai.api_version = "2023-07-01-preview"

# Connect to your Azure SQL database
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};'

def get_embeddings(text):
    # Truncate the text to 8000 characters
    truncated_text = text[:8000]

    response = openai.Embedding.create(input=truncated_text, engine="embeddings")
    embeddings = response['data'][0]['embedding']
    return embeddings

def update_database(article_id, title_vector, content_vector):
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    # Convert vectors to strings
    title_vector_str = str(title_vector)
    content_vector_str = str(content_vector)

    # Update the SQL query to use the string representations
        UPDATE news
        SET title_vector = ?, content_vector = ?
        WHERE article_id = ?
    """, (title_vector_str, content_vector_str, article_id))

def embed_and_update():
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT article_id, title, full_content FROM news where title_vector is null and full_content is not null and title is not null order by published desc")
    title_vector = ""
    content_vector = ""
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        article_id, title, full_content = row
        print(f"Embedding article {article_id} - {title}")
        title_vector = get_embeddings(title)
        content_vector = get_embeddings(full_content)
        update_database(article_id, title_vector, content_vector)


These two columns will contain something like this: [-0.02232750505208969, -0.03755787014961243, -0.0066827102564275265…]

Second, you must extract these vectors line by line into a new table for each vector field. In this case, I created a procedure to do it.

-- =============================================
-- Author:      Lawrence Teixeira
-- Create Date: 11-24-2023
-- Description: This stored procedure creates vectors for news titles and contents.
-- It processes data from the 'news' table and stores the vectors in separate tables.
-- =============================================

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Create_News_Vector]
    SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Prevents the sending of DONE_IN_PROC messages to the client.

    -- Extract and store title vectors:
    -- First, check if the 'news_titles_vector' table exists and drop it if it does.
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.news_titles_vector', 'U') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE dbo.news_titles_vector;

    -- Using a Common Table Expression (CTE) to process title vectors.
    WITH cte AS
            CAST(tv.[key] AS INT) AS vector_value_id, -- Casting 'key' as INT for vector ID.
            CAST(tv.[value] AS FLOAT) AS vector_value   -- Casting 'value' as FLOAT for vector value.
   AS v 
        CROSS APPLY 
            OPENJSON(v.title_vector) tv -- Parses JSON of title_vector in the 'news' table.
    -- Create 'news_titles_vector' table with processed vectors.

    -- Extract and store content vectors:
    -- Check and drop 'news_contents_vector' table if it exists.
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.news_contents_vector', 'U') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE dbo.news_contents_vector;

    -- CTE for processing content vectors.
    WITH cte AS
            CAST(tv.[key] AS INT) AS vector_value_id, -- Casting 'key' as INT for vector ID.
            CAST(tv.[value] AS FLOAT) AS vector_value   -- Casting 'value' as FLOAT for vector value.
   AS v 
        CROSS APPLY 
            OPENJSON(v.content_vector) tv -- Parses JSON of content_vector in the 'news' table.
    -- Create 'news_contents_vector' table with processed vectors.

    -- Columnstore indexes creation is advised outside the stored procedure.
    -- These indexes optimize data storage and query performance on vector tables.
    ON dbo.news_titles_vector 
	order (article_id);

    CREATE CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX cci_news_contents_vector
    ON dbo.news_contents_vector
	order (article_id);

I also create a function to search directly to the dataset using the Cosine similarity formula.

-- This Azure SQL function finds news articles similar to the given content vector.
CREATE function [dbo].[SimilarNewsContentArticles](
    @vector nvarchar(max) -- Input parameter: JSON string representing a content vector.
returns table -- The function returns a table.
return with 

-- CTE for processing the input vector.
cteVector as
        cast([key] as int) as [vector_value_id], -- Extracts and casts the 'key' from JSON to int.
        cast([value] as float) as [vector_value] -- Extracts and casts the 'value' from JSON to float.
        openjson(@vector) -- Parses the input JSON vector.

-- CTE for calculating similarity scores with existing articles.
cteSimilar as
    select top (50)
        sum(v1.[vector_value] * v2.[vector_value]) as cosine_distance 
        -- Calculates cosine similarity (distance) between vectors.
        cteVector v1 -- Uses the processed input vector.
    inner join 
        dbo.news_contents_vector v2 
        on v1.vector_value_id = v2.vector_value_id -- Joins with stored article vectors.
    group by
    order by
        cosine_distance desc -- Orders by similarity score, descending.

-- Final selection combining article data with similarity scores.
    a.*, -- Selects all columns from the news article.
    r.cosine_distance -- Includes the calculated similarity score.
    cteSimilar r -- Uses the similarity scores CTE.
inner join a on r.article_id = a.article_id -- Joins with the news articles table.

Finally, you can start querying your table using prompts instead of keywords. This is awesome!

Check out the app I developed, which is designed to assist you in crafting prompts and evaluating your performance using my news dataset. To explore the app, click here.

I also created this GitHub repository with everything I did.

Click on this image to open the GitHub repository.


While the sample in this blog is not optimized for maximum efficiency, it is an excellent starting point for understanding and implementing vector operations in Azure SQL. The process, despite its simplicity, is relatively fast. For instance, querying an eight vCore Azure SQL database can return the fifty most similar articles in just half a second, demonstrating the efficiency and utility of vector operations in Azure SQL Database for data analytics and insights. If you want to know more about this topic, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

That’s it for today!


Vector Similarity Search with Azure SQL database and OpenAI – Azure SQL Devs’ Corner (

Vector Similarity Search with Azure SQL database and OpenAI | by Davide Mauri | Microsoft Azure | Medium

Azure-Samples/azure-sql-db-openai: Samples on how to use Azure SQL database with Azure OpenAI (