Interactive Data Analysis: Chat with Your Data in Azure SQL Database Using Vanna AI

In an era where data is the new gold, the ability to effectively mine, understand, and utilize this valuable resource determines the success of businesses. Traditional data analysis methods often create a bottleneck due to their complexity and the need for specialized skills. This is where the groundbreaking integration of Vanna AI with Azure SQL Database heralds a new dawn. Inspired by the pivotal study “AI SQL Accuracy: Testing different LLMs + context strategies to maximize SQL generation accuracy,” this article explores how Vanna AI is not just an innovation but a revolution in data analytics. It simplifies complex data queries into conversational language, making data analysis accessible to all, irrespective of their technical prowess.

Understanding Vanna AI: The Next Frontier in Data Analytics

Vanna AI emerges as a pivotal innovation in the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and data management. But what exactly is Vanna AI, and why is it becoming a game-changer in data analytics? Let’s delve into the essence of Vanna AI and its transformative impact.

What is Vanna AI?

Vanna AI is an advanced AI-driven tool designed to bridge the gap between complex data analysis and user-friendly interaction. At its core, Vanna AI is a sophisticated application of Large Language Models (LLMs) optimized for interacting with databases. It leverages the power of AI to translate natural language queries into precise SQL commands, effectively allowing users to “converse” with their databases.

Key Features and Capabilities

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Vanna AI excels at understanding and processing human language, enabling users to ask questions in plain English and receive accurate data insights.
  2. Contextual Awareness: One of the standout features of Vanna AI is its ability to understand a specific database’s structure and nuances contextually. This includes schema definitions, documentation, and historical queries, significantly enhancing the accuracy of SQL generation.
  3. Adaptability Across Databases: Vanna AI is not limited to a single type of database. Its versatility allows it to be integrated with various database platforms, including Azure SQL Database, enhancing its applicability across different business environments.
  4. Ease of Use: By simplifying the process of data querying, Vanna AI democratizes data analysis, making it accessible to non-technical users, such as business analysts, marketing professionals, and decision-makers.

How Vanna works

Vanna works in two easy steps – train a RAG “model” on your data and then ask questions that will return SQL queries that can be set up to run on your database automatically.

  1. vn.train(...): Train a RAG “model” on your data. These methods add to the reference corpus below.
  2. vn.ask(...): Ask questions. This will use the reference corpus to generate SQL queries that can be run on your database.

Empowering SQL Generation with AI

The challenge in traditional data analysis has been the necessity of SQL expertise. Vanna AI disrupts this norm by enabling users to frame queries in plain language and translate them into SQL. This approach democratizes data access and accelerates decision-making by providing quicker insights.

The research compared the efficacy of various Large Language Models (LLMs) like Google Bison, GPT 3.5, GPT 4 turbo, and Llama 2 in generating SQL. While GPT 4 excelled overall performance, the study highlighted that other LLMs could achieve comparable accuracy with the proper context.

Presenting the Practical Application I Developed for Your Evaluation.

A testament to Vanna AI’s practical application, I created an example app that you can test yourself and understand how it works, an innovative application designed for the Microsoft Adventure Works database. Available at this URL. This application exemplifies how AI can transform data interaction. It allows users to converse with the Adventure Works database in natural language, simplifying complex data queries and making data analysis more approachable and efficient.

Exploring the AdventureWorksLT Schema: An Overview of Database Relationships and Structure

Here is a concise introduction to the Adventure Work database. This will help you better understand the database structures and tables, enabling you to make more effective inquiries in the test application I developed.

In the Dbo schema, there is an ErrorLog table designed to capture error information, with fields such as ErrorTime, UserName, and ErrorMessage. The CustomerAddress table bridges customers to addresses, suggesting a many-to-many relationship as one customer can have multiple addresses, and one address can be associated with multiple customers.

The SalesLT schema is more complex and includes several interconnected tables:

  • Product: Contains product details, such as name, product number, color, and size.
  • ProductCategory: Organizes products into hierarchical categories.
  • ProductModel: Defines models for products, which could include multiple products under a single model.
  • ProductModelProductDescription: This link between product models and their descriptions indicates a many-to-many relationship between models and descriptions facilitated by a culture identifier.
  • ProductDescription: Stores descriptions for products in different languages (indicated by the Culture field).
  • Address: Holds address information and is related to customers through the CustomerAddress table.
  • Customer: Holds customer information such as name, contact details, and password hashes for customer accounts.
  • SalesOrderHeader: Captures the header information of sales orders, including details like order date, due date, and total due amount.
  • SalesOrderDetail: Provides line item details for each sales order, such as quantity and price.

The schema includes primary keys (PK) to uniquely identify each entry in a table, foreign keys (FK) to establish relationships between tables, and indexes (U1, U2) to improve query performance on the database.

Explore the Source Codes of the app I developed.

To develop an app yourself using the Azure SQL database, click this link to access my GitHub repository containing all source codes.


As we stand at the cusp of a data revolution, Vanna AI’s integration with Azure SQL Database and its practical embodiment in applications like the app I created, for example, for the Microsoft Adventure Works database, represents more than technological advancement; they signify a paradigm shift in data interaction and analysis. This evolution marks the transition from data being experts’ exclusive domain to becoming a universal language understood and utilized across various business sectors. The journey of data analytics, powered by AI and made user-friendly through Vanna AI, is not just about technological transformation; it’s about empowering organizations and individuals with the tools to unlock the true potential of their data. Stay connected with the evolving world of Vanna AI and discover how this revolutionary tool can redefine your approach to data, paving the way for a more informed, efficient, and data-driven future.

That’s it for today!

Vanna.AI – Personalized AI SQL Agent